Hello. Welcome to stixphotography.blogspot.com. I dont know how you found us but have a look at the photos and see what you think. We have a vast interest in photography such as Landscape, Portrait and Macro photography. What is Macro? Its close up photography, but the image captured is at least the same size or bigger than the objects original size. How did we come up with the name? Well it comes from living out in the sticks, on Dartmoor. Well enjoy the photos, we would love to hear your feedback on any of the pictures here. Stix Photography
This was taken early one morning after a night of rain. My camera is a Lumicron LDC-825z3 24x zoom MPEG4 8.0 MEGA PIXELS. A camera that many people have not heard of, but its a brilliant camera. You can change the pixel count to 6m, 4m or 2m.
I find that Dandelions are incredibly difficult to photograph. You have to get the right setting (Macro Focus) and use your optical zoom, your depth of field measure (in this case 5cm)and a very steady hand or mini tripod and take the photo. Tip: Take a few photos of the same object and you can choose the best photo.
This is one of the first photos I ever took.
Unfortunately, the camera had reset its settings so this photo was taken as 2million pixels, which is a shame because it would be a fabulous picture to enlarge.
This photo was taken on 14/05/2006 after Trendlebear, Dartmoor was set on fire.
This is one of the Alpacas at the Devon County Show, 2006.
Again, the showjumping at the Devon County Show. This horse and rider won the class with a clear round and a time of 41 seconds.
All Photos are copyright to EWills (c) EWills Stix Photography. Thanks for visiting this blog.
hiya!its laura! nice photo`s mate! didnt no u took such nice ones today! the fire one was right as u said, it is scary! talk later xxx
Great photos! I like the one of the beaters as I tell the children about these at school. Your picture is a better one than mine! My camera is 8mp too. Bye, your aunt!
Wow fantastic photographs!! You can be my photographer when i become a Journalist!! You know keep it in the family and everything!! No seriously they're really good! How many more hidden talents do you have?!
From the cousin you rarely see!!
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